RocktheBizOps Team, from the heart...


Now that we’ve been at this Community building for a while, for me personally, I am every bit as much excited to connect with members themselves (as friends), as I am of any ‘marketing’ results. The results will always happen. Some months more than others. Some years more than others. But it’s the ‘us’ (all of us, in it together) that is and will always serve as ‘our’ Social PROOF.
Everybody joins.
Nobody quits.
End of story. #RockOn
Below is a recent email reply back that I sent to one of our newest Team visitors recently, who was #Trusting enough to share with me very honest and specific details of their own, personal experiences online. I am sharing this today as an ‘official’ R0ck Team training *file... because THIS is who ‘we’ are...
I totally understand.
To be honest with you... EXACTLY what you are describing is EXACTLY why I decided to design and build up a community such as RocktheBizOps Team Build.
It's NOT about AIOP, SFclub or E1up, per se.
It's about 'community' in the truest sense, a genuine like-minded and safe haven, in knowing that many of our visitors/members will mostly be at some level of 'stuck?' or 'struggling?' ... AND too often... they are doing it all completely alone.
My simple vision for the Rock team is... ***family.
A SAFE community focused on coaching, training and fun, as we sharpen skills and build relationships.
The only monthly out-o-pocket is the 11.5o AIOP.
SFclub and E1up each include no monthly, ever.
All in one profits, Simple Freedom club and Easy1up are included as our BiG3 programs and as our ONLY ‘official’ programs, because each individual program serves a *specific purpose.
*NetworkersList!.. is simply a 'trending' NOW offer. and when the initial launch buzz ends, no big deal. We still have the Team (evergreen) and the tools to continue list building (AIOP) for the *next Buzz.
We also have the continuing education (evergreen) of the more elevated coaching/training included in both SFclub and E1up that allow us to SHARPEN and practice our skills during the 'slow times'...
All so that we will have more leads (larger list) & be a little more skilled/confident in 'ourselves'... so that when the next *next Launch rolls through, we'll be even more able to capitalize more easily.
I had been a member of AIOP multiple times too, and had never managed more than a few referrals at any given time.
Now that we have Rock Team and the Community, I'm over 5K in AIOP, nearly 2K in E1up and even though we only 'officially' added SFclub in to Rock 2 months? ago... that's already over $3oo so far. All from TEs and Mailers and 'not much' facebook.
I sincerely hope YOU decide to let some of those other programs that are maybe multiple streams of 'expenses?' end... and that you come to enjoy and appreciate building a referral Team/community with us (and of Your own)... because this REALLY is way more enjoyable than chasing every Launch and surfing/sending ads, 8 hrs a day, all ALONE.
So let's 'work it' to get *NetworkersList! referrals and I'm pretty sure we'll become even closer and more trusting as friends along the way as well..
Very nice that we have this opportunity to finally connect and communicate after having been doing pretty much all the same things, in all the same places, all of these years.

@RocktheBizOps Team Build, since 2019