
The Rockin News: Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year and same Truth!..

Today's featured artist: Tom Petty

New Year and same Truth!..

Happy Thursday Rockstars!  :-)
Gotta keep it all real here... December was a tough month for me personally. There is no way I have any idea what 2020 will hold for me on a personal "real life" level... but the one thing I do know for sure.. is that RocktheBizOps Team will continue to evolve and become more and more obvious as being the #1 "simple" Team build.

The one thing about R0CK that everyone can count on is... Truth!

Zero hype and no drama required.


It's not just me, I'm including both Susan and Debbie (Co-admins) and all of the Rockstars! who have already proven themselves to be 100% all-in with our Team approach, vision and our "core values" of focusing on the Simple "right things" daily... and our relentless quest of helping real people to finally get ahead online too!
An additional selection: Tom Petty

January R0CK Funnel updates...

The design of the January R0CK Funnel capture page will be...

This will be our "first ever" R0CK Funnel... which will feature an email follow-up series that will focus on RocktheBizOps Team Build as the main "selling" point.

To take it one step further... I have made the decision to include a selection of follow-up emails featuring "original" email broadcast messages which have been written by our very own Rockstar! Team members.

Obviously... everyone's personal sign-up links will be included in the "shared campaign" autoresponder email series...

But the series is intended to present our Team vision and our "core values"... to invite subscribers (Leads) to come visit our Team Training group on facebook so that they will be able to experience our "community" for themselves... and all of this is for the purpose of helping our existing members to get sign-ups who will be joining for all of the "right" reasons... meaning.. they "want" to.

The actual funnel autoresponder email series will include 7 emails and these pre-written emails will deliver over the course of 10 days.

Yes... each email will be 100%  "RocktheBizOps Team" focused...

Yes, each email will include an invite to visit "Us" on facebook.

Yes, each email will include everyone's personal join links... too!

Zero hype and no drama required.

#RockOn   :-)

I'm not claiming that RocktheBizOps is the best of the best...

I'm promising everyone that we will always be here!!

...and that's a fact.


Steven Anthony
facebook & fb fan page
Join the Revolution!



@RocktheBizOps Team Build, since 2019