The Rockin News: Friday, January 8th, 2021

Split-testing Rock funnels?..


Today's featured artist: Aerosmith

Happy New Year Rockstars!..
Bring on 2021 & let's Rock!!
For today's edition of "The Rockin News...", I am going to explain in more detail about the current project of beginning to split-test *Rock Funnel capture pages and adding a little more "Advanced" tracking (for data) within the actual Rock Funnel automated email follow-up series. ***This is going to be an extensive and on-going effort in making every attempt to *optimize Rock funnels in the year 2021 and beyond.

What is split-testing?.. 

In a nutshell, split-testing is the activity of comparing "results". For example... there is a basic page "design"... I will split-test (compare) a black background color with a white background color of an otherwise identical page. ***Split-testing also includes comparing text fonts, text font size, text color, "text" (ad copy) in general, images included within the page design, etc...

In addition to split-testing page designs, I will also begin split-testing our (BiG3) *Rock Funnels automated email follow-up series as well. For example... certain page designs being split-tested for "page clicks" and "opt-ins" (leads)... will also include slightly "edited" (different) emails in the follow-up series. ***These emails will include "links" that will allow me to collect data as far as which links are being "clicked" in which emails, etc...

Little by little and month after month, our official *Rock Funnel page designs and the *included email follow-up series will become better *optimized for leads and... conversions! ***Note: Split-testing requires an on-going commitment and a LARGE sample size of data over an extended period of time. ***This is not a matter of "Today" page A got 3 clicks and 2 leads, while page B got 1 click and no leads. - Tomorrow will very often be the EXACT *opposite. Even "weeks" is too small of a sample size of data to effectively determine performance, but... it is enough to begin making adjustments that will help to improve performance in the immediate short-term.

So, what's the plan?..

The plan is, that beginning right now... our "Team spirit" PROMO will include four (4) pages in rotation. Page #1 - will be the EXACT page that is the official *Rock Funnel design for "this" month. Page #2 - will be an "edited" version of that same page. Page(s) #3 and #4 will be "potential" page design IDEAS for the next month's official Rock Funnel.

EXAMPLE... the edited version of "this month's" Rock Funnel page (page #2)... if I am convinced that certain "edits" significantly improve the page performance... ie: "clicks" of the *opt-in BUTTON on the page. Then I will edit the actual official page design at that time. ***Note: this edit will happen without anyone having to do anything on their own!.. When I edit the Rock funnel page design, those edits take effect immediately (on everyone's personal Rock Funnel page!) without anyone having to "edit" or re-load the campaign themselves. 

As for page #3 and page #4 in rotation... early in the month, these pages will begin as "random" design *ideas... likely to be completely different of each other. Whichever page design is performing best in the 1st two weeks of the new month, will likely be focused on as the new page design for *next month... and at that time, I will begin to use page #4 as an "edited" version of page #3 to try and improve results, etc...

Also, you will begin to notice: that "I" will personally be promoting our "Team spirit" PROMO a whole lot more often on the safelist mailers. ***Because, you (as members) are promoting for "Team spirit" on the traffic exchanges... BUT... official *Rock Funnels (for You!) are designed to be promoted on safelist mailers as well. So it will be up to "me" to be sure these page designs are being SEEN on the safelist mailers as often as possible too.

What about split-testing the emails?

I will begin split-testing the emails, by including an "edited" version of our otherwise "standard" Rock Funnel email series, included with the page #3 and page #4 designs for *next month. ***Yes, beginning right now, the "Team spirit" email series will be an EXACT duplicate of our official *Rock funnel email series (for You!)... the only difference is that the link(s) in these emails will be "rotator" link(s) and that the emails will include a *disclaimer that the link(s) are "Team spirit" rotator link(s), etc...

Full Disclosure:

I will be using the tracking tool(s) available @ Leads Leap for collecting the individual *page data...
and I will be using the tracking tool(s) available @ for collecting the *email data.

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