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How To Create Free Articles, Reports, And Blog Posts That SELL! ~Frank Kern, @

Before I show you how to sell with your content, let’s do something your competition is ignoring.
Let me show you how to write so your content gets …  

Devoured by Your Readers!

Check out this page for example.
Ignore the actual content for a minute and notice how it “feels” to your eyes.
As you can see, it’s easy to read.
It’s punchy. It has short sentences. And best of all …

It Has Short Paragraphs!

And that’s really important because when your eye first “scans” the page, it calls up your brain an says, “Hey! this is easy to read!”
And your brain, in turn, decides to check it out.
Another cool thing about this article is that it’s telling two stories at once.

These “Sub-Heads” Tell A Story Of Their Own!

Try it.
Scroll up to the top real quick and just read the subheads.
You can get complete “picture” of what this is all about just by scanning them …without actually reading the text.
It’s a technique called “dual readership path” and I learned it (and so much more) from Dan Kennedy.
The reason it’s important is because

Everybody Skims The Page Before Their Brain Commits To Reading It!

That’s totally normal.
And what’s main thing that jumps out at the “scanning brain”?
That’s right. It’s the headline and the sub head.
So what’s really going on is

These Sub-Heads Are “Selling” The Brain On The Idea Of Reading The Whole Page!

Pretty cool, right?
See how easy this is to read?
And if you’re just scanning the page, you’ll still get an idea of what it’s about.
And here’s another thing about this article.
See the article isn’t really about “writing articles”.

This Article Is Really About YOU!

And more specifically, it’s about you influencing more people by creating content that’s easy to consume.
After all, if they don’t actually read what you’re putting out there, how can they learn about all the benefits you have to offer?
So now that we’ve got them reading your stuff, let me show you

5 Ways To Influence Your Readers So You Can Make More Sales

  1. First, make sure everything is about …THE READER!
    Listen, as much as we want them to be fascinated by us, our story, and our “stuff”, the fact is they don’t care about that.
    They care about THEMSELVES so everything you write needs to always “tie in” to how it can help THEM.
  2. Even more important than “THEM” is their RESULTS.
    For example, if this article was all about ME and how great of a writer I am, you’d leave, right?
    And if I made it all about YOU and how YOU need to write good articles, you might read some of it …but you’d ultimately leave because you know that already.
    But you’re still here and you’re still here for one reason: We’re talking about the RESULTS YOU WANT.
    In this case, we’re talking about how to influence people with content.
    Doing that leads to SALES, and sales lead to MONEY.
    And that’s probably why you’re here, right?
  3. Use the magic words ,“so you can”.
    Everybody’s going to tell you that when it comes to talking about your products, you need to make it all about features and benefits.
    Don’t listen to them.
    If you want to actually sell, you need to explain how the benefit directly relates to the results your readers want to get.
    The “so you can” language pattern is perfect for this.
    Here’s an example.
    Let’s say you’re selling a course on copywriting, and you’re including a swipe file.
    Now, the novice would say something like this:
    “The CopyWriter 2000 comes with a swipe file of winning ads! (Feature).
    These ads are some of the greatest ads ever written, and I’ve painstakingly gone through each ad and highlighted all the combinations of “power words” contained in each. This makes it easy for you to see exactly how power words and phrases are combined to make hard-hitting winners! (Benefit.)
    Now. That’s FAIR …but let’s use the magic words. Let’s re-write the last sentence.
    We’ll appeal to two of the prospect’s desired results:
    Better response and easier copywriting:
    “This makes it easy for you spot the power words and sales phrases so you can quickly plant them in any of your promos for a quick test to boost response. <–RESULT DRIVEN BENEFIT
    And this makes the whole process of writing your own ads just that much easier. Each ad in the swipe file contains a complete analysis of how it was used, and what made it work …so you can easily and almost instantly sort through the archives and, find the ad that’s closest to your specific marketing situation, and create high-converting ads of your own in a fraction of the time.” <– RESULT DRIVEN BENEFIT
    See there?
  4. Address skepticism head on.
    Most people try to gloss over this.
    That’s a surefire way to decrease response and obliterate trust because it’s like trying to ignore a giant elephant in the room.
    You both know it’s there and if you pretend it’s invisible, you look like a moron.
    The best approach is the “you might be wondering” language pattern.
    It works like this:
    First, you identify the main area of skepticism.
    In this example, let’s say you’re selling a course on list-building …and the prospect’s main area of skepticism is that he thinks it will be too hard from a “tech” perspective.
    The next step is to address this objection by framing it as a question he might be having.
    Like this:
    You might be wondering how you’re going to survive the brutal paces of having to figure out complicated internet software.”
    Now it’s time to answer that question using the classic “Feel, Felt, Found Pattern.”
    That looks like this:
    “I know exactly how you feel.
    In fact, I felt the same way when I started!
    And up until recently, there really was a brutal learning curve.
    In fact, it was worse than most people realize!
    But a few months ago, I found a simple way to get my systems built that’s 100% tech-free.
    I was able to build everything in an afternoon, and it was so easy …I didn’t even have to read the directions!
    In fact, there was no software to install, no “code” of any kind, and when I think about it …it was actually fun!”
  5. Tell them what to do next.
    Everything you write or publish should have a desired end result that benefits you and the reader.
    It could be to make a sale. It could be to get an opt-in.
    Or maybe you just want them to leave a comment, “like” something on social media, or refer a friend.
    Whatever it is, you need to explicitly tell them to do it, and why.
Thanks for reading this!

P.S. You should always include a P.S. …Even when you’re writing a report or an article.
Yeah yeah, I know …your English teacher from high school would tell you otherwise. But pay her no mind.
Here’s why.
Lots of people scroll down to the end of the article before reading the whole thing.
…And the P.S. is a great place to restate your main point.
Like this: In case you’re one of the people (like me) who skim to the P.S. before you read the page, here’s what this is about:
1. A cool way to make sure people read your stuff.
2. Five ways to influence your readers while helping them out

Steven Anthony,
Join the Revolution!



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